Discover What Gator Dock Works Can Do For You Today!!!

Whether you're looking to grow more fish, clean up your local waterways, save and preserve your dock or light up your waters at night, Gator Dock Works has you covered.


Harnessing The Power Of Oxygen

To Clean Your Waterways

Gator Dock Works is excited to announce a groundbreaking leap in water quality management with the introduction of their nanobubble technology, powered by Moleaer.

This innovative approach promises to transform marinas, canal systems, and other water bodies into vibrant, sparkling havens where marine life thrives amidst crystal-clear waters.

Imagine your marina or canal system transformed into a vibrant, sparkling oasis where fish thrive, water clarity dazzles, and the air is free from the stench of algae.



Filtering 30,000 And 70,000 Gallons Per Day Respectively

Check out our Reefs which come in two sizes. They are innovative under-dock habitat systems that replicate the natural environment of mangrove prop roots and salt water marsh plants, significantly boosting nursery habitat and aquatic life where it's most needed.

By installing these structures under existing docks, Gator Dock Works aims to bring back the micro-ecosystems that were lost to coastal development over the decades, particularly since the 1950s and 1960s.


Extend The Life Of Your Dock Today!

Piling Wrap protects your dock pilings from sea life growing on the piling which eventually causes structural damage. The wrap offers great protection to extend the life of the wood and avoid costly replacement.

Our snap jackets can extend the life of your piling by encasing it with a durable vinyl jacket filled with concrete. This method ensures long-lasting protection and structural integrity for your marine pilings.


light Up The Night With Our Best In Class Lighting Plus Maintenance.

Our underwater lights reflect all of the available light towards the surface creating a much brighter glow than other underwater lights. Depending on water clarity and depth, our lights can illuminate a diameter of up to 30 feet! Its time to light up your dock today!

Our lights can withstand prop wash, wave action and even impact from cast nets. They are the toughest and lowest profile lights available. Gator Dock Work's Lights are not only the toughest lights in the industry, they are brightest, easy to install and are well known for attracting fish.

Mini Reef Testing And Development

Over 500 Million Hours of Real World Deployment

For years, we've been tweaking and testing the Mini Reef to make it not just tougher, but a water-cleaning wizard. Picture this: we set up experiments using floating booms with vinyl curtains that reached down to the canal floor, creating a sealed-off area like an underwater lab. This allowed us to measure exactly how much water our Mini Reefs could clean.

We ran 100 trials where we placed our fully developed reefs in this controlled space and timed how quickly they could clear the water. Depending on the filter feeders we attached—like oysters or barnacles—these units managed to filter between 20,000 to 120,000 gallons of water each day. On average, each Mini Reef cleaned about 30,117 gallons daily.

But we didn't stop there. We also took each unit apart to count and identify every critter living on it. With over 150,000 organisms, including more than 100 different species of fish and crabs as well as 10's of thousands of tiny creatures, each reef was a bustling mini-ecosystem. These tiny residents not only helped clean the water but also created a safe haven for young marine life to grow, offering them shelter and food until they were ready to face the big, blue world.

So, not only does our Mini Reef clean up waterways, it's also a vibrant nursery for marine life, making every installation a step towards a healthier ocean. Now thousands of Reefs later and over one hundred million combined hours in the water the Mini Reef system is built to handle much of what Mother Nature can throw at them.